
I approach psychotherapy first and foremost as an opportunity for exploration and self-discovery oriented toward the long-term goal of improvements in your quality of life. By definition, I believe this to occur in the context of a relationship between you and myself—my hope is that this is evident and present as our relationship with one another develops.

Our initial meetings will include discussions about consent and confidentiality, where I can provide important information to you which orients you to the task at hand. I will probably ask more questions during these initial meetings than I will in future sessions, so as to be able to start getting to know you, your experience in therapy, and what you are wanting to address in our time together. My approach is generally non-directive in nature, meaning much of the time I will take your lead and will abstain from offering advice or providing homework. Rather, I will listen for the emotional and relational patterns which I become aware of, often using our relationship as a place for exploration of these patterns.

Typically we will meet once per week for our scheduled sessions. I may recommend meeting more frequently on a case by case basis, and you will be a part of that decision should the occasion arise. I generally do not meet with people at a frequency less than once per week except under extenuating circumstances, or in preparation for ending our work together. I am happy to talk with you about your scheduling needs and questions.