Cost of Services

Cost of Services

Session reimbursement from your insurance provider is determined by details of your specific plan, and so I cannot state the out of pocket costs for any person in a general way. I am available to have these discussions as needed and when desired.

Below are my out-of-pocket fees for psychotherapy and related services:

  • Initial Intake Appointment (60 minutes): $200

  • Individual Therapy Session (approx. 50 minutes): $175

  • Supervision & case consultation (60 minutes) $150

In addition to fees for therapy sessions, I charge a fee of $150 per hour for other professional services you may need which are not directly related to your psychological care and which are not required for our work together. Such services may include letter writing, telephone communications, preparation of treatment records, meeting with other professionals per your authorization or request, and time spent conducting other professional services you may request of me. If these services are less than one hour, I will break down the hourly cost for you.